Idle Dwellings Transformed into Boutique B&Bs
The first batch of five idle dwellings in Bajing Village, Sanjiang Town, Miluo City, have completed renovation and upgrading, and opened their doors for business as boutique B&Bs on August 16, 2023. In recent years, Miluo City has leveraged its ecological advantages to promote B&Bs in rural areas, turning the eco-friendly environment into golden opportunities for increasing the income of local people. (Photo/Li Jian, Hunan Daily)[gf]2002[/gf]
The first batch of five idle dwellings in Bajing Village, Sanjiang Town, Miluo City, have completed renovation and upgrading, and opened their doors for business as boutique B&Bs on August 16, 2023. In recent years, Miluo City has leveraged its ecological advantages to promote B&Bs in rural areas, turning the eco-friendly environment into golden opportunities for increasing the income of local people. (Photo/Li Jian, Hunan Daily)[gf]2002[/gf]
The first batch of five idle dwellings in Bajing Village, Sanjiang Town, Miluo City, have completed renovation and upgrading, and opened their doors for business as boutique B&Bs on August 16, 2023. In recent years, Miluo City has leveraged its ecological advantages to promote B&Bs in rural areas, turning the eco-friendly environment into golden opportunities for increasing the income of local people. (Photo/Li Jian, Hunan Daily)[gf]2002[/gf]
编辑:田梦瑶 李鎏锴(实习生)
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